alle Erinnerungen fließen ins Meer (und wieder Raus) / all memories flow into the sea (and back out again)

This performance was part of East of Elsewhere's curatorial project 'Wie baut man Brücken über unruhiges Wasser?' across July and August, 2021 in Rostock and at the Ostsee coast.
In this performance walk by artist Adi Liraz, an action of remembrance takes place through the interweaving of words by three German-speaking female poets: Semra Ertan, May Ayim and Rose Ausländer. The performance began at the sea and ended at the Sunflower House in Lichtenhagen.

In this performance walk, an action of remembering takes place through the interweaving of the poems of three German-speaking women poets.

What remains invisible?

The place of Rostock, carries certain events in its past, which includes a certain experience that still exists, and also connects to more distant history, in the larger space of what we now call Germany.

Who is home here and who is a foreigner here?

What does the water carry and convey?

Which places are places of memory, which places are places of life, and which places are places of escapism?

And who should bear responsibility?