An interactive performance with the aim to create a conceptual temporary moving community.
Photos by: Karina Villavicencio, Eva Giannakopoulou, Carolina Boetner, Sanija Kulenovic and Brigid Fitch
We are inviting everybody to join and bring your own clothing items which will be re-used and (TRANSFORMED) into new functions and appearances during the performance. We invited the public to walk with us from Görlizer Park (TOWARDS) the Gallery Der kleine Salon where we will exhibit (ALL ITEMS) made out of all our clothing aT Domestic Mapping: THE EXHIBITION WILL RUN until June 6th when we invite everybody to take back your cloths or what has become of them.
In this way we define the space, invite the audience to step inside and embody displaced elements of our personal cartography, marking our exile and search for a home.The audience is trapped inside our moving structure, where we act like magnetic spiders, catching our audience into a newly secure collective space. Within this homely weaved space we invite the participant to get and feel caught yet protected .
Gaby Bila-Günther aka LADY GABY, Adi Liraz, Karina Villavicencio
Domestic Mapping took part in the following platforms:
The 5th and closing edition of the Month of Performance Art-Berlin ANTHOLOGY May 25th 2015,
FUNKHAUS OPENSTUDIO, Berlin July 4th 2015
ReFashionReFood Festival, Prinzessinen Garten, Berlin, Saturday July 11th 2015.