WELCOME TO OUR HOME! Freedom of Speech, Privileges and Oppression

The works of art in this exhibition reflect how communication between individuals of diverse backgrounds, from different religious communities, of various sexual orientations or genders, occurs. In the process, a variety of divergent narratives that bridge the divide caused by conflicts deal with the issues at hand and also make people more aware of the gamut of distinct societal positions in existence, as well as the significance these have for guaranteeing access to diverging perspectives and means of expression, both in the private and public realms. The distinction between these two poles is further blurred by the use of private flats exhibitions´ spaces. Through art, understanding and empathy can thrive.
Due to the recent events in Paris and thereby increasing hatred and xenophobia towards Muslims and migrants in Berlin and Germany, we, the members of the Salaam Shalom initiative, under the slogan "Freedom of Speech", chose to exhibit a collection of art works and projects in the form of paintings, installations, photography, music, poetry and live performances.
The purpose of these events is to expose the limits of artistic freedom, and the interplay between socially privileged positions and oppression. In addition, a discussions took place which tackle the issues of freedom of expression in a democratic space and from the other hand, the discrimination of oppressed and excluded peoples and religions groups and communities. Our aim is to give a possibility to unheard voices in the public and private space to be heard.
Concept and main curator: Adi Liraz
Production: Adi Liraz in collaboration with Maja Gratzfeld and Deborah S. Philips.
Curators Saturday, 27.6: Sapir Huberman and Maja Gratzfeld
Curators Sunday, 28.6: Adi Liraz and Sanija Kulenovic
Panel discussion at the Sehitlik Mosque with the participants: Soufeina Hamed, Iskandar Ahmad Abdalla, Deborah S. Phillips, Sanija Kulenovic and Adi Liraz, moderated by Armeghan Taheri and Rebecca de Vries.
Artists participating in the exhibition:
Nihad Nino Pušija, Guy Briller, Maja Gratzfeld, Manaf Halbouni, Rafram Hadad, Saeed Foroghi, Salma Arzouni, Oded Korach, Soufeina Hamed, Adi Liraz, Deborah S. Philips, Nasrin Abu Baker, Neta Elkayam, Sanija Kulenovic, Kirsten Kötter
Produced, conceptualized and curated for the Salaam- Schalom Initiative, as part of the 48 Hours Neukölln annual art festival, Berlin June 2014